What a creative & fun costume parade we had at the meadow!
Literacy Notebook News: Building Independence
Amazon Smile Hey there, Amazon fans!
Please make your purchases through Amazon Smile instead of the regular Amazon
site and let your shopping habits help our PTA. You will need to log into
smile.amazon.com instead of the regular Amazon site from your computer or
activate Amazon Smile in the Amazon shopping app.
Search for PTSA Connecticut Inc Calf Pen Meadow PTA
We are very appreciative of all the families and staff who have joined the PTA this
year. We have a record number of members at this point in the school year. It isn’t
too late so if you are thinking about joining, please fill out the form in the attached
link. If you are unable to pay the membership fee, it will be waived.
Click here for more PTA news and information!
Follow the PTA on social media!
Facebook - Calf Pen Meadow PTA
Instagram - @calfpenpta
Or Email us - calfpenmeadowpta@gmail.com
Click here for our monthly social emotional newsletter.
Community Connection Center: This week's Community Connection Center's Newsletter (CCC News) has information about Veterans Day and Daylight Saving Time. Just to mention two items. Each week information about Milford's providers & their programs are listed . You will also find family friendly activities & places to visit. And don't forget that the CCC website is also updated with links to community resources.
Thanks for Giving Food Drive:
We will take the time to honor our Veterans through song and written pieces. Students should remember to wear their Boy/Girl Scout uniforms or Patriotic Colors. Families may fill out a Veteran’s Biography for our Wall of Honor. Please also note the “Veterans Day Invite” if you know a veteran who would like to participate in our celebration. Return both forms to Lindsay Given by November 1, 2022. We will also be collecting goods for the Home of the Brave organization. Please see their wishlist attached.
Homes for brave_donation list 2022
and the kindergarten pep squad cheered them on! Amazing!
Important Dates:
Tuesday, Nov. 8 - No School - Professional Learning
Wednesday, Nov. 16 - Early Dismissal - students dismiss at 1:25 pm
Wednesday - Nov. 23 - Early Dismissal - Students dismiss at 1:25
Thursday & Friday, Nov. 24 & 25 - No School - Thanksgiving Recess
Have a great weekend!