We will take the time to honor our Veterans through song and written pieces. Students should remember to wear their Boy/Girl Scout uniforms or Patriotic Colors. Families may fill out a Veteran’s Biography for our Wall of Honor. Please also note the “Veterans Day Invite” if you know a veteran who would like to participate in our celebration. Return both forms to Lindsay Given by November 1, 2022. We will also be collecting goods for the Home of the Brave organization. Please see their wishlist attached.
Homes for brave_donation list 2022
Fall Conferences: We are pleased to announce our Fall 2022 Elementary Conference Schedule:
Wednesday, October 19th 1:45-3:45 p.m.
Thursday, October 20th 5:30-8:00 p.m.
Friday, October 21st 1:45-3:45 p.m.
*Please note that we will have a modified early dismissal time on the conference days to accommodate the conference schedule. Therefore, students will be dismissed on October 19th, 20th, and October 21st at 1:15pm.
Parents/guardians will once again have the opportunity to select a conference time through My Conference Time. All conferences will be in person unless a parent/guardian requests a Google Meet link directly from the teacher. Fall conference sign up information will be live on our school website from Friday, October 7th, at 9:00 a.m. through Monday, October 17th, at 12:00 p.m. If you prefer a virtual session, please contact the teacher to request a Google Meet link to conduct your conference virtually after you have confirmed your conference time through My Conference Time Online Scheduler. We are looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s learning!
Quick tip: Look for emails from “” when searching email for conference confirmation communication.
Family Photo Fundraiser - Get a jump on holiday cards with a mini-session by CPM's favorite photographer, Melissa Lawless. New date added! Details in the link.
Trunk or Treat - Friday, October 21, 2022 from 6:00-7:30
Entry fee: $6 per child or $5 per child for PTA members. CASH ONLY AT THE DOOR!
It is not too late to get your trunk in! Please sign up with this link.
If you can volunteer to set up, clean up, or loan us some large-scale Halloween decorations or bright lights, please contact Melissa at
Scholastic Book Fair - October 26-28, 2022 during the school day. Information in this link.
More details to come including specifics on the electronic payment option. Please note that the State of CT now requires Scholastic to charge tax on book fair books. In the past, a child with $5 to spend could purchase a $4.99 book but this year, they will need $5.31 so plan accordingly.
There is nothing more fun than helping the kids shop! Sign up to Volunteer HERE
Author Visit - October 28, 2022. A reading during an All-School Gathering by John-Manuel Andriote who wrote “Wilhelmina Goes Wandering”, a story about our own mascot, Wilhelmina the cow.
Veteran’s Day Celebration - November 11, 2022
Calf’s Corner School Store - November 18, 2022
PTA Meeting - Tuesday, November 12th, 6:30-7:30pm in the Media Center. We are still working out the kinks in our hybrid meeting system but we plan to have both in-person and virtual options for the November meeting. Look for a message from Mrs. Whitaker with the link a few days before the meeting.
Turkey Trot - November 24, 2022, beginning at 9:00!
THE TROT TEAM IS SEEKING SPONSORS. If you are affiliated with a local business, please reach out and ask them to sponsor our race. The more sponsors we get, the more money we raise for our fantastic charities. Sponsorship information is in this link. Please contact Tor at with sponsorship questions or commitments.
Please join on Trot day! We welcome runners and walkers of all abilities and ages - there are three options - 1, 2, or 3+ miles (or you can just come cheer on your friends). The run benefits not only the Calf Pen PTA but Purple Pantry Boxes (bring your non-perishable food on race day) and The Cure Starts Now. Our own Avery Lafferty is a 5th grade student at CPM battling brain cancer so we have chosen to share proceeds with The Cure Starts Now in her honor. Let’s do it for Avery!
For Information or to register click
Huge thanks to the following members for helping to kick off the 2022-23 School Year by leading our events. Marin Blake (School Beautification Chair), Tor Blackstad and Traci Gallagher (Turkey Trot Coordinators), Mrs. Conrad (Student T-shirt orders), Laura Dundas (Fall Plant Sale Chair), Erica Eliashevsky and Andrea Haven (Calf’s Corner Shop Management), Lauren Firimonte and Andrea Haven (Pumpkin Painting Co-chairs), Stephanie Kanaan (Room Parent Leader), Kevin Lawless (Resident DJ), Melissa Lawless (Photo Fundraiser, Trunk or Treat Chair), Kate Romano (Teacher luncheon and stocking of Staff Lounge), Sally Skinner (National PTA Grant Application), and Paula Uscilla (Scholastic Book Fair Liaison and Turkey Trot Sponsorships)
And thank you to everyone else who has volunteered at our events - we couldn’t do it without you!
We are very appreciative of all the families and staff who have joined the PTA this year. We have a record number of members at this point in the school year. It isn’t too late so if you are thinking about joining, please fill out the form in the attached link. If you are unable to pay the membership fee, it will be waived.
Community Connection Center: This week's Community Connection Center's Newsletter, (CCC News) has great information! You can still register for programs & complete our survey! Each week information about Milford's providers & their programs are listed . You will also find family friendly activities & places to visit. And don't forget that the CCC website is also updated with links to community resources. Have a great weekend!
Calf Pen will welcome LifeTouch Photographers for Fall Picture Day on Tuesday, October 18th. Paper order forms were sent home Tuesday, October 11th. Check your students’ folder.
The online ordering code is EVTWTJN74.
Fun Night of Pumpkin Painting at CPM!