Fall Conference Information:
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences Sign up Logging into the online conference scheduling system is easy. Parents will have access to the site starting Friday, October 7th, after 9:00 am. Simply click the “Sign Up Now” icon, and follow these steps:
Costume Parade - For information CPM Elementary 2022 Costume Parade
Kindergarten students must figure out how to problem solve when their funnel does not work in the STEM lab. What is another tool they can use?
Calf Pen will welcome LifeTouch Photographers for Fall Picture Day on Tuesday, October 18th. Online ordering code EVTWTJN74 was sent home this week. Paper order forms will be sent home Tuesday, October 11th.
We will be celebrating
Veterans Day on
Friday, November 11, 2022
We will take the time to honor our Veterans through song and written pieces. Students should remember to wear their Boy/Girl Scout uniforms or Patriotic Colors. Families may fill out a Veteran’s Biography for our Wall of Honor. Please also note the “Veterans Day Invite” if you know a veteran who would like to participate in our celebration. Return both forms to Lindsay Given by November 1, 2022. We will also be collecting goods for the Home of the Brave organization. Please see their wishlist attached.
Homes for brave_donation list 2022
Thanks to all of the families who have joined our fabulous PTA. The State of CT requires us to submit our preliminary membership list by 10/15 so if you are still thinking of joining, now is the time. Our hope is that all of the teachers and families in our community will participate. We do not want the membership fee to make joining prohibitive for anyone so please reach out to Traci Gallagher at ptatraci@gmail.com to have your fee waived. Click the link to the membership form.
Next PTA Meeting Wednesday October 12th, 6:30-7:30pm in the Media Center. We plan to have a virtual option as well as in-person. Look for messages from Mrs. Whitaker next week with the link. Please come to the meeting and help make the 2022-2023 school year to be the best ever!
Family Photo Fundraiser - get a jump on holiday cards with a mini session with CPM's favorite photographer, Melissa Lawless. Details in the link.
Pumpkin Painting - October 13, 2022 from 5:00-7:00 under the tent in the courtyard. BYO Pumpkin! We provide the paint. Bring a snack or dinner and your creativity! See flyer for details.
Trunk or Treat - October 21, 2022 from 6:00-7:30
We are seeking more trunks! Please sign up with this link.
Scholastic Book Fair - October 26-28, 2022 during the school day. Details in this link.
There is nothing more fun than helping the kids shop! Sign up to Volunteer here
Veteran’s Day Celebration - November 11, 2022 - details to follow
Turkey Trot - November 24, 2022, beginning at 9:00!
It’s the second year of this fun run and we are so excited to make it a full community event. We welcome runners and walkers of all abilities and ages - there are three options - 1, 2, or 3+ miles (or just come cheer on your friends). The run benefits not only the Calf Pen PTA but Purple Pantry Boxes and The Cure Starts Now. Our own Avery Lafferty is a 5th grade student at CPM battling brain cancer so we have chosen to share proceeds with The Cure Starts Now in her honor. Let’s do it for Avery!
For Information or to register click http://www.milfordturkeytrot.com
Community Connection Center: Click here for our new mobile friendly Community Connection Center's Newsletter! There are still spots open for our Raising Readers Parent Book Club & the Circle of Security Parenting Class. Sign up & complete our survey! Each week information about Milford's providers & their programs are listed . You will also find family friendly activities & places to visit. And don't forget that the CCC website is also updated with links to community resources. Have a Great weekend!
5th grade investigates and collaborates on why days are longer in the summer and shorter in the winter. #stemlab
Have a great weekend!