Calf Pen Cow

We had so much fun during our CPM Spirit Week!


  SEL-ebrations September 22/23


Thanks to all our Calf Pen Families for the enthusiastic response to our Back-to-School Events! Please click on the link here for more information on PTA Activities, Membership information, and Volunteer Opportunities. 

Please note that last week an old email address which we can no longer access was put into several flyers. If you emailed cpmpta@gmail, please resend your email to Thanks!


Fall Flower Sale - Mum pick up details in the PTA news link.

Calf’s Corner School Store - Monthly, starting on September 30th

Author Visit – October 28th John-Manuel Andriote who wrote Wilhelmina Goes Wandering, based on the true story of Calf Pen’s Mascot. Order form for his book in the PTA news link and here. Author Visit Flier.Andriote

Next PTA Meeting Wednesday October 12th, 6:30-7:30pm

Pumpkin Painting - October 13, 2022, details in the PTA news link. 

Trunk or Treat -  October 21, 2022, Sign-up form to decorate your trunk in the PTA news link. 

Scholastic Book Fair - October 26-28, 2022, Volunteer sign ups coming soon!

Veteran’s Day Celebration - November 11, 2022

Turkey Trot - November 24, 2022

Adults, $18 and Children, $10 (prices go up October 1)

 Sign up to Run, Walk, or Donate here

Facebook - Calf Pen Meadow PTA

Instagram - @calfpenpta

Email -

CPM PTA Newsletter link CLICK HERE

First Grade uses Quiver augmented reality app in Media.  Amoozing!


Community Connection Center:

Great News!  You can now click here for our new mobile friendly Community Connection Center's Newsletter!  This week's CCC News contains links to register for our Raising Readers Parent Book Club & the Circle of Security Parenting Class. Each week information about Milford's providers & their programs are listed . You will also find family friendly activities & places to visit.  And don't forget that the CCC website is also updated with links to community resources. Have a Great weekend! 


At Calf Pen we wear GOLD for Childhood Cancer!


    Important Dates:

September 26 - No School- Rosh Hashanah

September 30 - CPM PTA School Store

October 5 - No School - Yom Kippur

October 18 - Lifetouch Picture Day

October 19 - 21 - Parent Conferences (more info. to follow)

Have a wonderful weekend!