Congratulations to Mackenzie and Owen, Calf Pen Meadow’s Respect Ambassadors for 2022! We are so very proud of you!!
Please take a moment to review Dr. Cutaia’s letter regarding the recent tragedy at Robb Elementary School in Texas. Events like this, regardless of distance or location, are challenging to understand and process. Please reach out to the school should you or your family need any additional support.
- Join us for our next Parent University on Tuesday, June 7th at 6pm at Milford Library. More information and to RSVP, click here.
Library Book Returns- As the year begins to wind down, we are working to collect library books that have been checked out to students this year. Bins will be placed around the school for students to return books and reminder slips will be sent home to students who have books checked out. Please take time to look through your house and bookshelves to ensure library books are returned! The last day that students can check out books from our school library is Friday, June 3. Thank you! The Library Media Team
Community Connections Center: In this week's CCC Newsletter you will find information about the MPS Parent University & CCC Family Music Night, Tuesday at Calf Pen June 7th from 6:30pm -7:30pm. Let’s get grooving and sing and dance to songs about the wild, wild world of animals! An interactive sing along for the whole family To register click here.
To save the dates & register for the other Music Family Nights click here.
You will find information about the" Walk & Talks" offered by the Milford Health Department, The "Bike Rodeo", "The Summer Kick Off", Consumer Reports article about sunscreen & Milford's Memorial Day schedule.
Click here for this week's CCC Newsletter! Don't forget that the CCC website is also updated with links to community resources. You are also welcome to contact the CCC office at 203-882-6094 and speak with Mrs. Williams.
Calf Pen Meadow PTA News:
CPM Family Picnic - Our Family Picnic has been rescheduled for Thursday, June 2nd, from 6:00-8:00pm at the CPM blacktop and field. Rain date is June 3rd. Bring your dinner and a chair or blanket and Please bring your own dinner and a blanket or chair and spend the evening meeting old friends and new as you and your family have fun on the CPM playground blacktop and field. CPM’s own DJ Lawless will be providing music!
CPM Field Day - One of CPM’s favorite days of the school year is back! Field Day will be held on June 9th (rain date is June 10th). Please remember to send your child to school on Field Day wearing their CPM Class Shirt and with a water bottle. Also, we ask that families remember to apply sunscreen and bug spray before school! If you would like to volunteer, please use the link below:
We can still use the following items so if you can lend them, please contact Traci Gallagher at
- 2-3 canopy tents- 2 extra large coolers
We are so excited for Field Day on May 9, 2022.
Here are some quick reminders for the Big Day!
Remember to bring in a water bottle labeled with your name.
Wear your class T-Shirt.
Hamburgers and Hotdogs will be offered for lunch, you also have the option to bring in a lunch from home.
Apply bug spray and sunscreen before coming to school. Teachers will be unable to reapply during the school day.
A hat is recommended, as we will be outside for most of the day.
Important Dates:
Please click here for the revised Academic Calendar for 2021-22.
Week of June 13th - MPS Math Sidewalk Chalk Challenge. More info is here.
Tuesday, June 14th - Kick off to Summer - 5:30-7:30 at Pumpkin Delight School. More info is here.
Thursday, June 16th - Early Release Day - Students Dismissed at 1:25
Friday, June 17th - Early Release Day - Students Dismissed at 1:25
Monday, June 20th - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Early Release Day - Students Dismissed at 1:25