Calf Pen Cow

Oh what a night,......  a wonderful night of music at CPM.  Thank you to the 4th and 5th grade musicians and to all who attended.


Library Book Returns- As the year begins to wind down, we are working to collect library books that have been checked out to students this year.  Bins will be placed around the school for students to return books and reminder slips will be sent home to students who have books checked out.  Please take time to look through your house and bookshelves to ensure library books are returned!  The last day that students can check out books from our school library is Friday, June 3.   Thank you!  The Library Media Team

Join us for our next Parent University on Tuesday, June 7th at 6pm at Milford Library. More information and to RSVP, click here

Dear 5th Grade Parents/Guardians,

On April 25 a letter was sent to each Grade 5 family listing the district assigned Middle School for the 22-23 school year along with information on the  May 19, 2022 middle school visit day. Please contact the main office if you have any questions. 

As always, thank you for your continued support. We value your involvement, partnership, and support in your child’s education! 

  • Middle School Virtual Transition Night - Thursday, May 26th from 6:30 to 7:15. 

    • Harborside Middle School Information is here

    • East Shore Middle School Information is here.

    • West Shore Middle School Information is here.  

Room 17 Math Sidewalk Challenge & Summer camp


Community Connections Center: In this week's CCC Newsletter you will find information about the MPS Parent University & CCC Family Music Night, Tues. 5-24-22  at PDS. We are going on a family trip! Where shall we go and how will we get there? Click here to register for May 24th.  To save the dates & register for the other Music Family Nights click  here.

Next you will find a link to the  22-23 registration form for the Foran High Schools Childcare Program.  The last box will take you to a new service called Aira, that Bradley International Airport is piloting. 

Click here for this week's CCC Newsletter! And don't forget that the CCC website is also updated with links to community resources. You are also welcome to contact the CCC office at 203-882-6094 and speak with Mrs. Williams.

Calf Pen Meadow PTA News:


CPM Field Day - The CPM PTA is excited to bring Field Day back to CPM on Thursday, June 9th (rain date: June 10th)! The CPM PTA is looking for parent volunteers to help make the day fun for the kids. If you’re not able to stay the entire time, please include your availability in the notes section. The sign-up link can be found here:

 Also, the PTA needs the following items for Field Day:

- 3 to 4 canopy tents

- 3 large coolers

If you have any of these items and are willing to lend them to us, 

please email Traci Gallagher at 

 AmazonSmile - Did you know that you can earn money for CPM while shopping on Amazon? Go to and select "Ptsa Connecticut Inc Calf Pen Meadow PTA" as your charity. You can also link AmazonSmile to your Amazon app as well. Each order placed on AmazonSmile helps support CPM!

 Important Dates:

  • Please click here for the revised Academic Calendar for 2021-22.

  • May 20 - End of Year CPM  Family Picnic- 6 - 8 pm

  • June 9 - CPM Field Day - stay tuned for more information

Happy weekend!