Calf Pen Cow

Dear CPM families:

Grade 5 Students - Please review CPM MS Music Selection Letter 22-23 about making a selection for 6th grade music. 

Kick Off to Kindergarten - For our incoming Kindergarten families who are fully registered or currently in a MPS preschool program, be on the lookout for an email on our Kickoff to Kindergarten school visits in May.  If your child is eligible for Kindergarten but you have not yet registered, please click the link  to register and be included in this Kickoff to Kindergarten experience. 

Community Connections Center:  In this week's CCC Newsletter you will find information about the April 5th "Sing, Dance & Play" for Families with Children in Preschool & Kindergarten that the MPS  Parent University & the Milford CCC are sponsoring. Milford Public Library's Storytime II, is now inside!  Registration is April 25, 2022.  Looking for fun things to do? Check the links to  Mommy Poppins list of things to do in April, a planting guide from The Old Almanac and Consumer Reports article on bike helmets. 

Click here for this week's CCC Newsletter! And don't forget that the CCC website is also updated with links to community resources. You are also welcome to contact the CCC office at 203-882-6094 and speak with Mrs. Williams.

Calf Pen Meadow PTA News:

April PTA Meeting - Save the date! We will be back in-person for our April PTA meeting on Tuesday, April 12th, at 6:30pm in the cafeteria. It will be mask optional and there will be no childcare provided at this time. We will be setting up a Google Meet link for those who would like to attend virtually. Hope to see you soon!


Virtual Author Visit for K/1st/2nd Grade Classrooms - The CPM PTA is sponsoring a virtual author visit from children’s book author and Milford native, Janet Lawler for our K-2 classrooms on May 5th. 

For our CPM families and staff that are interested, Janet has set up an online link to purchase her books from R.J. Julia’s. If you decide to purchase her books, you can select the option for Janet to personalize the book for you. 

Since the PTA will be picking up the books, please select “in-store pickup” when checking out. Please also include Calf Pen Meadow and the student or staff name in the comment field. 

In order to receive the books in time for her event, please complete your order by April 22nd. Here is the link to order:


Career Day - We would like to invite MPS Elementary parents and guardians to participate in our first annual Virtual Career Day. Click HERE for details.


Important Dates:

  • Please click here for the revised Academic Calendar for 2021-22.

  • Wednesday, April 13th: Early Release Day: Students dismissed at 1:25

  • Friday, April 15th: No School: Good Friday

  • Monday, April 18th-Friday, April 22nd: No School for Spring Recess

Have a great weekend!