Calf Pen Cow

CPM families:

Great news! As stated in Dr. Cutaia’s message from 3/12/22, we will be able to begin opening up our classroom instructional spaces and school learning communities with regard to some planned adjustments to the previous COVID related restrictions - starting March 28th.  At the elementary level we have missed having our families in the buildings and we are excited to welcome back  families and visitors in our building, hold activities after school, and work with our PTAs for Spring events.  Field trips and celebrations of learning will also start to be planned.  

For the time being, students will continue to have lunch in their own classrooms and we will hold off on all school gatherings as we are not yet comfortable with groups of 100 plus students being together with the lower vaccine rate among our elementary students.  We have created social opportunities within each classroom by placing the students in small groups where they also have their lunches.  Students also have more social opportunities when they go out for recess, including with their grade level peers from other classrooms.  (Please note student groups can now also intermingle during recess times.)  

We are excited by the changes in our classrooms and across the building -- and look forward to sharing with you all the great activities that will be happening throughout the spring.  


Spring Conferences -  Sign ups through myconferencetime has closed, but you can still sign up for a conference by arranging it with you child’s teacher. 

We are pleased to announce our Spring 2022 Elementary School Virtual Conference Schedule: 

  • Wednesday, March 30th 5:30-8:00 p.m.

  • Thursday, March 31st 1:45-3:45 p.m. 

  • Friday, April 1st 1:45-3:45 p.m.

*Please note that we will have a modified early dismissal time on the conference days to accommodate the conference schedule.  Therefore, students will be dismissed on March 30th, March 31st  and April 1st at 1:15pm. 

Community Connections Center: In this week's CCC Newsletter you will find information about the April 5th Sing, Dance & Play for Families with Children in Preschool & Kindergarten that the MPS  Parent University & the Milford CCC are sponsoring. Read the Consumer Reports article about the best way to stay safe from tick bites!  Looking for summer fun?  Check out the US Sports Institute's summer offerings or Mommy Poppins list of Summer camps for Kids. 

Click here for this week's CCC Newsletter! And don't forget that the CCC website is also updated with links to community resources. You are also welcome to contact the CCC office at 203-882-6094 and speak with Mrs. Williams.

Calf Pen Meadow PTA News: 

PTA Flower Signs - This Saturday, March 26th, is the last day to order your cutout daisy signs for your family to decorate and to be displayed in front of CPM. Cost is $15 per sign. Contact Andrea Haven at to order a sign. Checks (payable to CPM PTA) and Venmo (@calfpenmeadowPTA) accepted. 


  • Deadline for flower sign orders: Saturday, March 26th 

  • Pick-up will be Sunday, March 27th from 1:00-3:30pm (location to be sent via email) 

  • Decorated signs can be dropped off at school on or before April 11th 

The CPM PTA wanted to thank all those who participated in Thursday’s Restaurant Night with Jimmy’s! A big thank you to Katie Fallon for coordinating the event - we appreciate all your hard work!


AmazonSmile - Did you know that you can earn money for CPM while shopping on Amazon? Go to and select "Ptsa Connecticut Inc Calf Pen Meadow PTA" as your charity. You can also link AmazonSmile to your Amazon app as well. Each order placed on AmazonSmile helps support CPM!


Thank you CPM PTA  for our new banner!!!



Important Dates:

  • Please click here for the revised Academic Calendar for 2021-22.

  • Tuesday, March 29th: Families can access report cards in Powerschool

  • Wednesday, March 30th, Thursday, March 31st, Friday, April 1st: Early Release day for Spring Conferences NOTE: Students dismissed at 1:15 (10 minutes earlier that normal)

Have an amoozing weekend!