February 4, 2022
News You Can Use
Dear CPM families:
Valentine’s Day treat - A thank you to our MPS food service who will be providing a special Valentine’s day treat to all students on 2/14
January Tech Tip - Check out this month’s tech tip with a variety of services from Milford Public Library including how to request a library card, access e-books and even a streaming video service - January Community Tech Tip.
Kindergarten registration - coming soon! Please check out this press release about upcoming Kindergarten registration. Kindergarten Press Release
Spring Conferences - We are pleased to announce our Spring 2022 Elementary School Virtual Conference Schedule:
Wednesday, March 30th 5:30-8:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 31st 1:45-3:45 p.m.
Friday, April 1st 1:45-3:45 p.m.
*Please note that we will have a modified early dismissal time on the conference days to accommodate the conference schedule. Therefore, students will be dismissed on March 30th, March 31st and April 1st at 1:15pm.
Our spring conferences will be held virtually and parents/guardians will once again have the opportunity to select a conference time through My Conference Time. We are looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s learning! Spring conference sign up information will be live on our school website from February 28 at 9:00 a.m. through March 25 at 12:00 pm . Quick tip: Look for emails from “noreply@myconferencetime.com” when searching email for conference confirmation communications.
Black History month - Throughout the year, there are many celebrations focused on acknowledging the history and contributions of different groups. Black History Month begins on February 1. Milford Public Schools continues our commitment to celebrating diversity and the unique gifts and experiences of our Milford Public Schools students, families and staff that make our community so special. Our ongoing goal is to provide opportunities for all learners to see themselves within our curriculum. If you would like to explore some of the Black History Events events happening across the state you can visit: https://www.ctvisit.com/articles/black-history-month-activities-connecticut
Media Center News:
Students have been busy in our CPM Media Center!
Grade 1 created mosaics to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
Grade 2 works with Cubelet Robots!
4th grade Mathematicians: Students work in companies to determine the total number of shipping boxes in their warehouses, reorganizing their inventory by packing more efficiently and then calculating the dollar value of their supply.
Random Act of Kindness Week:
Please see the attached below
Spirit Week CPM Random Acts of Kindness Week
Click the link and enjoy the view!
Our CPM student artists are Amoozing !
Calf Pen Meadow PTA News:
February PTA Meeting - Our monthly PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 8th at 6:30pm via Google Meet: meeting link. All are welcome!
5th Grade Committee Meeting - The 5th Grade Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, February 8th directly after the PTA meeting. All 5th grade families are welcome! Any questions? Please reach out to Amy Rizzo at atomanio26@hotmail.com.
CPM Virtual Trivia Night - Love sports?
Join us for a sports trivia night next Thursday, February 10th at 7:00pm via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88485554834. The event is open to current CPM families/staff and gIft cards will be awarded to the top three teams!
Thank you to our CPM PTA for the wonderful Valentine craft kits for our students. We cannot wait to see their creations!
Important Dates:
Friday, February 18th and Monday, February 21st: No School Winter Recess
Wednesday, February 23rd: Early Dismissal for Teacher Professional Learning. Students dismissed at 1:25