Dear CPM families:
It has been a great week here at Calf Pen. A favorite part of our day is Morning Meeting! Morning meeting time builds our classroom communities and helps to support our students' social and emotional learning. #relationshipsmatter
School Attendance - Regular school attendance and overall student safety and well-being are always vital for laying a foundation for success during the school year. Paying attention to attendance is even more essential this year, given the unique challenges created by COVID-19 for schools, families, students, and community providers.
Stay home if you are sick! Complete the COVID-19 Daily Self Checklist at home before you send your child to school. If your child(ren) has any symptoms, no matter how mild they seem, do not send them to school. Notify your school of the absence using the current MPS Student Absence Reporting Procedure and your School Nurse will follow-up regarding next steps.
If your child is feeling well and answered “no” to the COVID-19 Daily Self Checklist, please send your child into school. We know that students learn best with regular attendance. In-person attendance each day is the best school experience for our students when other challenges do not prevent students from getting to their schools.
Vaccine Clinics - The district, in partnership with Griffin hospital, has scheduled a series of vaccination clinics for our students aged 5 - 11 at our elementary schools during the week of Jan 31- Feb 4 and during the week of Feb. 21- Feb. 25. Calf Pen Meadow clinics have been scheduled for Monday, January 31 and Wednesday, February 23 from 4:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Students can attend any clinic (Full Schedule below). Please click HERE for more information.
If you do plan to attend a clinic please be aware of the following:
*Many schools dismiss and the parking lots are busy until about 3:45 pm. We ask that you please not enter our parking areas before the 3:45 pm time. Buildings will open at 4 pm as we want to keep students safe during dismissal
*Please know that many afterschool programs (Boys and Girls as well as YMCA) may be in alternate locations on these given school based vaccination days. Be on the lookout for updated information from your after school provider about where to pick up in the school on those days.
Voluntary COVID Testing for Students (all students eligible regardless of vaccination status)- More information can be found here
COVID Vaccine upload - Parents may voluntarily provide a copy of their child’s COVID immunization card now by uploading it using our secure form here. This information will only be accessible by school nurses and school administration.
Calf Pen Meadow PTA News:
CPM Scholastic Book Fair - Looking for new books? Our online Scholastic book fair is still open and will be until Monday, January 31st. You can access our virtual book fair here:
CPM Family Virtual Trivia Night - The CPM PTA will be hosting a sports trivia night on Thursday, February 10th at 7:00pm via Zoom. Save the date!
Mabel’s Labels Fundraiser - Did you know that the CPM PTA has an ongoing Mabel’s Label fundraiser for the school year? If you need new labels for the new year, please consider purchasing since Mabel’s Labels will donate a portion of each purchase to the CPM PTA. Please visit and search for our PTA to place your order and support our fundraiser.
The first grade Bucket Fillers earned an inside picnic!
Physical Education Fun:
REVISED due to snow days!
Important Dates:
Monday, January 31 - CPM Vaccination Clinic from 4 - 8 pm for ages 5 - 11 only
Friday, February 18th and Monday, February 21st: No School Winter Recess
Wednesday, February 23 - CPM Vaccination Clinic from 4 - 8 pm for ages 5 - 11 only
Wednesday, February 23rd: Early Dismissal for Teacher Professional Learning. Students dismissed at 1:25
Have a great weekend!