District Communications - Please take a moment to review:
Dr. Cutaia’s Update from Jan 7th
Dr. Cutaia’s Update form Jan 5th
Dr. Cutaia’s Update from Jan 1st.
Masks - Students will be sent home with three disposable 3 ply masks by the end of the day on Monday. We have not acquired viable child size N95 masks. Using the 3-ply mask is optional (wearing a mask is still state-mandated in all Connecticut public schools).
- COVID Vaccine upload - Parents may voluntarily provide a copy of their child’s COVID immunization card now by uploading it using our secure form here. This information will only be accessible by school nurses and school administration.
Lost & Found - Please remind your student to check the lost and found table in the main hallway for their missing coats, hats, gloves and sweatshirts.
Fourth grade mathematicians - fraction fun!
THANK YOU to our wonderful PTA for our wellness goodie bags! We feel the love!
Calf Pen Meadow PTA News:
CPM Snowman Scavenger Hunt - Join our Snowman Scavenger Hunt this month! Decorate a snowman however you like and then hang your finished project in your window, front door, etc. (as long as it’s visible from the street). If you would like to participate, please email your address to Andrea Haven at drea0611@aol.com. Our Snowman Hunt begins on Monday, January 17th and will wrap up on Monday, January 31st. We hope you can join the hunt!
CPM Scholastic Virtual Book Fair - Save the date for our virtual book fair with Scholastic! Our book fair will run from Tuesday, January 18th to Monday, January 31st. You will be able to access our virtual book fair starting on January 18th: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bookfairs/cptoolkit/homepage.do?method=homepage&url=calfpenmeadowschool.
CPM Family Virtual Trivia Night - The CPM PTA will be hosting a sports trivia night on Thursday, February 10th via Zoom. Save the date!
Second grade students share their non-fiction writing !
Third and fourth grade students enjoying the beautiful weather during recess!
Conducting emergency drills (fire, crisis, lockdown, etc.) is one of the most important ways we help keep students and staff safe during an emergency. Drills allow us to practice what we need to do when an emergency arises in our school. This year, Milford Public Schools will incorporate COVID-19 health and safety practices during these drills. During an actual emergency, however, evacuation and safety are the school district's first priorities and social distancing only will be enforced once students and staff are in a safe location.
Next week Calf Pen Meadow School will be conducting a fire drill. This will only be a drill and will be conducted in accordance with the School Incident Management Protocols established by the district, and in collaboration with our local first responders. Students engaged in distance learning for the day of the drill will not participate in the drill, but live meet schedules may be adjusted for this day. Please discuss the importance of our emergency drills with your children. We thank you for your cooperation and partnership with keeping our schools safe!
Important Dates:
Monday. January 17th: No School MLK Day
Wednesday, January 26th: Early Dismissal for Teacher Professional Learning. Students dismissed at 1:25.
Have an amoozing weekend!