Dear Calf Pen families:
Report Cards - Your child’s Trimester 1 Report Card is now available to view/print in the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
The report card can be accessed right from the grades and attendance screen. You must access it from your web browser and not the Powerschool App. Use the following link to access the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Below is a screen-shot of the page.
Should you have any issues logging into PowerSchool please contact the IT Department - or 203-783-3446.
COVID Vaccine upload - Parents may voluntarily provide a copy of their child’s COVID immunization card now by uploading it using our secure form here. This information will only be accessible by school nurses and school administration solely for the purpose of contact tracing and quarantining.
Thank you to our wonderful PTA for our class shirts! We surprised our students with Class Shirt day on Wednesday!
In this week's CCC Newsletter you will find information about APPRENTICESHIP Workshops, Information about building strong relationships with your children and 12 Dinners that you can make ahead , Click here for this week's CCC Newsletter! And don't forget that the CCC website is also updated with links to community resources. Have a great weekend!
Calf Pen Meadow PTA News:
CPM Gratitude Food Drive - The CPM PTA is still collecting snack items for our Gratitude Food Drive with the Beth-El Center. The Beth-El Center is in immediate need for school snacks for children's lunch boxes - fruit cups, juice boxes, granola bars, snack-sized bags of pretzels, Goldfish, etc. Donation items can be dropped off at CPM. Our food drive ends this Monday, December 20th. Please see the flyer for more details.
AmazonSmile - Did you know that you can earn money for CPM while doing your holiday shopping on Amazon? Go to and select "Ptsa Connecticut Inc Calf Pen Meadow PTA" as your charity. You can also link AmazonSmile to your Amazon app as well. Each order placed on AmazonSmile helps support CPM!
Grade 2 students work together to explore different ways of counting by groups and then record their strategies. #mathematicalthinking
Crazy Hat Day!
Important Dates:
Friday, December 17th - Families access report cards in Powerschool
Wednesday, December 22nd - regular school day
Thursday, December 23rd - Friday, December 31st - No School: Winter Break