We are 100 days older and smarter!!!!#100thdayofschool
The Fire Prevention Poster Contest is a state-wide initiative for all 4th and 5th graders to learn about fire prevention and demonstrate their knowledge through the creation of an informative poster. These posters were submitted to the fire department and they chose winning posters from both 4th and 5th grades to submit to the county.
We are excited to invite you to participate in a unique and enriching Family Literacy Program designed to support our families in fostering a love of learning together. Click HERE for details.
Kindergarten Registration:
Greetings, MPS Families!
We are pleased to announce that Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opened on Monday, January 6, 2025. If you have a child who will be starting Kindergarten in the fall, registration information will be posted to the district website www.milforded.org. You must register your child for Kindergarten at the school determined by your street address, unless placed by Pupil Personnel Services. School/Street Assignments are available on the district website under “District Information.”
Children born on or before September 1, 2020 are eligible to register for Kindergarten. If your child is not age eligible (born September 2, 2020 through December 31, 2020), please use the online registration form to request a waiver.
Any current MPS Preschool or Ready To Learn (RTL) students will not need to complete an online registration form. However, we ask that you complete the Kindergarten Notification Form located in PowerSchool.
If you need assistance with the registration portal, please contact the main office of your district assigned school. School contact information can be found on the district website under “ Schools.”
We are excited for your children to join us! Fully registered families, please be on the lookout for more information from your school’s Principal about an in person kindergarten event in the spring. In the meantime, click here for a sneak peek of what to expect in Kindergarten!
We look forward to welcoming the Class of 2038!
Drills: Conducting emergency drills (fire, crisis, lockdown, etc.) is one of the most important ways we enhance our preparedness for students and staff during an emergency. Drills allow us to practice what we need to do when an emergency arises in our school.
Calf Pen Meadow School will be conducting a lockdown drill next week. This will only be a drill and will be conducted in accordance with the School Incident Management Protocols established by the district, and in collaboration with our local first responders. Please discuss the importance of our emergency drills with your children. If you have any feedback please reach out to jwhitaker@milforded.org. We thank you for your cooperation and partnership with making our schools a safer place for learning.
Calf Pen Meadow PTA News: School dance, 5th grade vs. faculty annual basketball fundraiser, Chuck E. Cheese night! Click HERE for details
Community Connections Center: This week's Community Connections Centers News is packed with helpful info and some fun activities! We’re shining a spotlight on the CT Family Support Network (CTFSN), which hosts a monthly virtual group. It’s a great chance to meet new parents, get fresh advice, and ask questions. Everyone’s welcome!
Also, Designs by Lee Garden Center is hosting a free event called "Blooming Love", a Valentine’s Day Pop-Up! Come celebrate love, family, and have some fun at this festive event.
Lastly, New London’s Black Heritage Trail is honoring three centuries of Black strength, resilience, and accomplishment. The trail features 15 different sites, some showcasing famous figures, while others highlight those who’ve been nearly forgotten.
For all these and others check out our CCC Newsletter. And if you're looking for more community resources, be sure to visit the CCC Website. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
Mary-Kate Wiliams & Cara Dascenza
Important Dates:
Tuesday, February 11 - CPM PTA meeting @ 6:30 pm
Friday, February 21 - Chuck E. Cheese Night, 3:30 - 9 pm
Thursday, February 27 - 5th grade students vs. Faculty Basketball Game - stay tuned for details
Thursday, March 6 - CPM Barnes & Noble Night
Friday, March 7 - CPM Bingo Night
Friday, March 14 - CPM School Dance
March 19 - 21 - Scholastic Book Fair
Saturday, March 29 - School Play - Finding Nemo
Monday, April 14 - CPM Earth Day Fun Run
Thursday, April 17 - CPM School Store
May 5 - May 9 - Teacher Appreciation Week
Tuesday, May 6 - 4th & 5th grade chorus concert - 6:30 @ Parsons
May 8 & 9 - CPM Flower Sale
Wednesday, May 28 - Band & Strings @ Parsons
Thursday, May 29- CPM Field Day - stay tuned for details
Tuesday, June 3 - 5th Grade Send Off - details to come
Trimester calendar is here.
Have an amooooozing weekend!