
We had such a fun Spirit Week!!! #decadesfordays #goingoldschool, #70’s,80’s,90’s, neon

       We are excited to invite you to participate in a unique and enriching Family Literacy Program designed to support our families in fostering a love of learning together. Click HERE for details.

  Calf Pen Meadow PTA News: School Store, PTA Meeting, Chuck E. Cheese Night, 5th grade vs Faculty B-ball Game and much more! Click HERE for details

Community Connections Center: This week's CCC News has important info from the City of Milford on the proper way to dispose of lithium-ion batteries. Also, there are still spots available for the MPL's Circle of Security Parenting program starting next week.

On the fun side, don’t miss Essex Ed's Groundhog Parade on Saturday, Feb.1st, and the Lunar New Year celebration in New Haven on Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025!

So much to do, don’t miss out! For all the details and more activities, check out our CCC Newsletter. And if you're looking for more community resources, be sure to visit the  CCC Website

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

Mary-Kate Wiliams & Cara Dascenza

Kindergarten Registration:

Greetings, MPS Families!

We are pleased to announce that Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026  school year opened on Monday, January 6, 2025. If you have a child who will be starting Kindergarten in the fall, registration information will be posted to the district website  You must register your child for Kindergarten at the school determined by your street address, unless placed by Pupil Personnel Services.  School/Street Assignments are available on the district website under “District Information.

Children born on or before  September 1, 2020 are eligible to register for Kindergarten. If your child is not age eligible (born September 2, 2020 through December 31, 2020), please use the online registration form to request a waiver.   

Any current MPS Preschool or Ready To Learn (RTL) students will not need to complete an online registration form. However, we ask that you complete the Kindergarten Notification Form located in PowerSchool.

If you need assistance with the registration portal,  please contact the main office of your district assigned school. School contact information can be found on the district website under “ Schools.” 

We are excited for your children to join us!  Fully registered families, please be on the lookout for more information from your school’s Principal about an in person kindergarten event in the spring.  In the meantime, click here for a sneak peek of what to expect in Kindergarten!  

We look forward to welcoming the Class of 2038!

Media Center News: February volunteer opportunities in the Calf Pen Meadow Media Center!  Sign up here:

Kindergartners build "yeti traps" after reading How to Catch a Yeti and first graders build scenes from The Three Snow Bears, as part of each grade's Innovative Designer and Global Collaborator unit.

   Chromebooks and Securly: We also wanted to take a moment to remind our parent community of the resources available online related to students’ district issued chromebooks and their use.  In addition to the information on Chromebook insurance and our Acceptable Use Policy, our district Chromebook 1:1 page has information on Securly. Securly is a websafety and filtering tool utilized by the Milford Public Schools.  Parents and Guardians, you can use the Securly app to monitor your child's Chromebook use at home.  You can block sites that you do not want your child on as well as set the hours your home wifi will connect with the device.  Securly is a powerful tool for helping set and monitor online expectations.  

Google Meet: We also wanted to take the opportunity to share with our families that at this time Google Meet is no longer accessible for elementary students to use from home.

    Friday, February 7 - Jersey Day - bring in a non-perishable food item for our first grade Souper Bowl community service project.

Calf Pen staff gives back!  

We were honored to pack food bags for Food 2 Kids this week! Thank you Food 2 Kids for all  you do for the students in Milford! 



Field Day - will be on Thursday, May 29, rain date May 30

5th Grade Send Off  - will be on Tuesday, June 3, rain date date June 4

Important Dates:

  • Friday, February 7 - CPM School Store

  • Friday, February 7 - Jersey Day - bring in a non-perishable food item for our Souper Bowl community service project.

  • Tuesday, February 11 - CPM PTA meeting @ 6:30 pm

  • Friday, February 21 - Chuck E. Cheese Night,  3:30 - 9   pm

  • Thursday, February 27 - 5th grade students vs. Faculty Basketball Game - stay tuned for details

  • Thursday, March 6 - CPM Barnes & Noble Night

  • Friday, March 7 - CPM Bingo Night

  • Friday, March 14 - CPM School Dance 

  • March 19 - 21 - Scholastic Book Fair

  • Saturday, March 29 - School Play - Finding Nemo

  • Monday, April 14 - CPM Earth Day Fun Run

  • Thursday, April 17 - CPM School Store

  • May 5 - May 9 - Teacher Appreciation Week

  • May 8 & 9 - CPM Flower Sale

  • Friday, May 29- CPM Field Day - stay tuned for details

  • Tuesday, June 3 - 5th Grade Send Off - details to come

  • MPS food service website

  • Trimester calendar is here.