Calf Pen Cow

Halloween Parade:  CPM Elementary 2023 Costume Parade

We will be celebrating 

Veterans Day on 

Friday, November 10

We will take the time to honor our Veterans through song and written pieces. Students should remember to wear their Boy/Girl Scout uniforms or Patriotic Colors. Families may fill out a Veteran’s Biography for our “Wall of Honor”. Please also note the “Veterans Day Invite” if you know a veteran who would like to participate in our celebration. Please RSVP and/or share the “Wall of Honor” form with Alesha Hubball by November 3, 2023.

Veterans Day Invite Link

Wall of Honor

CPM Picture Day is Coming! 

Thursday, October 12th

  • Parents/guardians click on the link from a computer or phone, enter the School Pin(CPM23), then enter the student's first and last name, choose a package and pay.

  • After payment, the parent/guardian will receive an email receipt with order number and details.

  • Parent orders will be delivered in bulk to school (3-4 weeks)


Teacher Conference Information:

Greetings, MPS Families!

We are pleased to announce our Fall 2023 Elementary Conference Schedule:   

  • Wednesday, October 18th 1:45-3:45 p.m.

  • Thursday, October 19th 5:30-8:00 p.m.

  • Friday, October 20th 1:45-3:45 p.m.

*Please note that we will have a modified early dismissal time on the conference days to accommodate the conference schedule.  Therefore, students will be dismissed on October 18th, October 19th, and October 20th at 1:15pm. 

Parents/guardians will once again have the opportunity to select a conference time through My Conference Time.   All conferences will be in person unless a  parent/guardian requests a Google Meet link directly from the teacher.  Fall conference sign up  information will be  live on our school website from  Friday, October 6th, at 9:00 a.m. through Monday, October 16th, at 12:00 p.m.  If you prefer a virtual session, please contact the teacher to request a Google Meet link to conduct your conference virtually after you have confirmed your conference time through My Conference Time Online Scheduler.   We are looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s learning! 

Quick tip: Look for emails from “” when searching email for conference confirmation communications. 

Calf Pen Meadow Annual Trunk or Treat will be 

Friday, October 20th 6-7:30pm

TRUNKS WANTED!! Click HERE for details

Wednesday, October 25th from 6:30-7:30 in the CPM gym 

the PTA is hosting a Pumpkin Decorating Party ←  click for details

After School Cartooning:


Family pictures wanted! We are creating a “CPM Family” bulletin board - please send a family picture to Mrs. Hubball at your earliest

THANK YOU to our wonderful custodians on School Custodian Day.  

Thank you to our CPM PTA for helping us celebrate them!


Community Conversation: Think Big! Dream Big!  The link to an updated flyer is here: 

Community Connections Center: This week's CCC News contains information and links for Gov. Lamont's discount prescription card, new CT laws, family fall activities and Beth-El's Trick or Treat 5k Run/Walk! 

Remember that the CCC Website  is updated with links to community  resources. 

Have a Great Weekend!

To locate the CCC’s web page go to Milford’s main page and click on the Menu tab & scroll down under district Information to find the Community Connections Center


This week’s information - Meadow Farms fundraiser, Trunk or Treat, Book Fair, Turkey Trot and Membership Click HERE for details

Important dates: