Welcome Back CPM!
We had a terrific week at the meadow!!! So much fun learning and being together again! Our added bonus - Wilhelmina came to visit!
**Please join us for our CPM Open House on September 12, 2023**
Copy of CPM Open House 2023 Notice
Free Breakfast for All, Lunch Will be Free Only for Qualifying Families When school begins this year, the following changes will be in place regarding our Milford Food Service offerings.
Breakfast: Breakfast meals will be FREE OF CHARGE for ALL students in the Milford Public Schools. Lunch: For students who QUALIFY for free or reduced-price meals, (determined by the completion of the Free/Reduced Price Meals Application or via Direct Certification), lunch meals will continue to be offered FREE OF CHARGE.
We strongly encourage everyone to click on the appropriate link below to complete the form; many of the income benchmarks have changed over the past 2 years – and you may now qualify even if you haven’t in the past.
Free/Reduced-Price Meals Application Online
Free/Reduced-Price Meals Application (print out/paper version)
Chromebook Insurance: You Can Renew Right on the Parent Portal Our low-cost Chromebook Insurance program is WELL worth the annual renewal fee ($25 per year). If you’ve got kids, then you already know there’s always the potential for something to happen to the Chromebook during the year: lost (~$230 replacement cost), replacement mainboard (~$90), cracked screen (~$40), broken hinges (~$15), or broken keyboard (~$60), just to name a few. For $25, you can have peace of mind and save a lot of aggravation when something goes wrong. You can reserve your Chromebook insurance right on your Parent Portal account. If you have any questions, please contact our BIDS dept. at (203) 783-3446.
THANK YOU to our awesome PTA for all of the treats this week!
Highlights: Membership, Welcome Back Picnic, CPM Spirit Wear
Click HERE for details
Community Connections Center News:
Today August 30, 2023 our CCC Community Connection Center's CCC News has gone live! Milford’s Community providers information & updates can be found on our NEW CCC district website along with the CCC’s programs! To locate the CCC’s web page go to Milford’s main page and click on the Menu tab & scroll down under district Information to find the Community Connections Centers!
Remember that the CCC Website is updated with links to community resources.
Thank you to Jeff and the Milford IT team for all of their wonderful work in adding this page to Milford's website!
Does Your Child Want to Play an Instrument This Year?
Just a quick reminder … if your child is interested in learning how to play a musical instrument (kids entering Grade 4 and Grade 5), don’t forget to read all the information on the Music Department Website. It is important that you click on the REGISTRATION tab in order to correctly arrange your child’s schedule.
Hello to all parents of strings players,
Please see the attached link to register for 4th and 5th grade strings (violin, viola, cello, bass). I will also have a beginning 5th grade strings class, so beginning 5th grade string players are welcome!
Next week I will be measuring all students for their instrument size. Please look for a welcome email from me explaining how to rent an instrument, what materials to buy (method book, shoulder rest, etc) as well as when we will be beginning our lessons.
My email is cwalker@milforded.org. Please let me know which school, grade, and teacher your child has so I can quickly gather their information. I am at four different elementary schools in the district so that information is very helpful to me.
Thank you so much and I look forward to teaching your children strings!
Carole Walker
Strings Teacher at Calf Pen Meadow, Live Oaks, Orchard Hills, and Orange Avenue Elementary School
Welcome back CPM! Look out for our monthly SEL-ebrations! This month we are focusing on Self-Awareness and Self-Management. Take a look!
Important dates:
September 4 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
September 12th - CPM Open House - 6 - 8 pm look for details
September 14th - CPM PTA meeting - 6:30 pm in Media Center
September 15th - Welcome Back Family Picnic - 5-7 pm CPM field
September 20 - Early Dismissal for students - 1:25 dismissal
September 25 - NO SCHOOL - Yom Kippur
Follow us on Twitter @MrsWhitCPM
Facebook PTA @Calf Pen Meadow PTA
Have a wonderful weekend!