Welcome to the first edition of Calf Pen Meadow’s weekly News You Can Use!
We are very excited to welcome our students back to school on Wednesday, August 30th. Our school hours are from 8:40 - 3:25 pm. Students may begin to enter the building at 8:20 am and will go directly to their classroom.
If you are dropping your student off by car, please make sure that you wait until a grown up is outside at the drop off loop before leaving. Our students' safety is our top priority!
Staff News & Changes:
Mrs. Alesha Hubball - Teacher Leader
Mrs. Mairead O’Brien - Kindergarten
Mrs. Erin Brunson - Third grade
Mrs. Kerry Gilhuly - Instructional coach
Mrs. Colleen Durso - Teacher
Paraprofessionals: Mrs. Sandy Mixie, Ms. Lindsay Morrow
Custodian - Bill Garry
We had a great Kindergarten Play Date on Thursday, August 24th. We can’t wait for all of our new kiddos to join us!
Kindergarten Meet & Greet - We will be welcoming our kindergarten students on Tuesday, August 29th at 2 pm. Come and meet your teacher, see your classroom, meet new friends and you can even take a school bus ride!
Friendly Reminder: No Food or Drink on School Buses
Just a friendly reminder this year. Food and drinks are not allowed on our school buses when students are being transported to or from school. Consuming these items while in transit can cause a safety concern; your bus driver will be reminding you as the school year gets underway.
Important Reminder: Please send in the yellow dismissal form on the first day of school. This helps to ensure a smooth first day for your student/s. Click HERE if you would like to print another copy.
Free Breakfast for All, Lunch Will be Free Only for Qualifying Families When school begins this year, the following changes will be in place regarding our Milford Food Service offerings.
Breakfast: Breakfast meals will be FREE OF CHARGE for ALL students in the Milford Public Schools. Lunch: For students who QUALIFY for free or reduced-price meals, (determined by the completion of the Free/Reduced Price Meals Application or via Direct Certification), lunch meals will continue to be offered FREE OF CHARGE.
We strongly encourage everyone to click on the appropriate link below to complete the form; many of the income benchmarks have changed over the past 2 years – and you may now qualify even if you haven’t in the past.
Free/Reduced-Price Meals Application Online
Free/Reduced-Price Meals Application (print out/paper version)
Does Your Child Want to Play an Instrument This Year?
Just a quick reminder … if your child is interested in learning how to play a musical instrument (kids entering Grade 4 and Grade 5), don’t forget to read all the information on the Music Department Website. It is important that you click on the REGISTRATION tab in order to correctly arrange your child’s schedule.
Chromebook Insurance: You Can Renew Right on the Parent Portal Our low-cost Chromebook Insurance program is WELL worth the annual renewal fee ($25 per year). If you’ve got kids, then you already know there’s always the potential for something to happen to the Chromebook during the year: lost (~$230 replacement cost), replacement mainboard (~$90), cracked screen (~$40), broken hinges (~$15), or broken keyboard (~$60), just to name a few. For $25, you can have peace of mind and save a lot of aggravation when something goes wrong. You can reserve your Chromebook insurance right on your Parent Portal account. If you have any questions, please contact our BIDS dept. at (203) 783-3446.
CPM PTA Click here for PTA news!
Important dates:
September 12th - CPM Open House - 6 - 8 pm look for details
September 14th - Our first CPM PTA meeting - 6:30 pm in our Media Center
September 15th - Welcome Back Family Picnic - 5-7 pm on our field
Follow our Facebook PTA page at Calf Pen Meadow PTA
Twitter @MrsWhitCPM