Calf Pen Cow

CPM Field Day Fun!

Thank you CPM PTA for all of your hard work in making this 

“the best day ever!”


Summer Reading at the Milford Public Library

Summer Reading At Home on Your Device

Calf Pen Meadow PTA News

FIFTH GRADE SEND OFFTuesday, June 13 (Rain Date: Wednesday, June 14)  ALL FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE WELCOME TO COME TO “CLAP OUT” to cheer on the 5th grade class as they parade around the school at 9:00 am. 5th Grade families, please tell the grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. We welcome the whole Calf Pen community so even if your children are K-4, stick around after drop off to cheer on our rising Middle Schoolers.

The Fifth Grade Sendoff Committee has a full day of outdoor fun planned for the class. 5th families, the same suggestions as Field Day apply: please send in a towel, change of clothes (they will get wet!), hat, and water bottle. Also apply sunscreen and bug spray before school. Lunch will be cheese pizza from Silver Sands and Micalizzi Italian Ice. 


Community Connections Center: This week's Community Connection Center's Newsletter (CCC News)   contains information about several fun summer programs taking place in and around Milford. Don't miss The New Haven Ballet's free performance under the stars, Friday June 9th at 6pm on the Branford Town Green!

 If you are looking for more information go to the  CCC website for updated links to community  resources. Have a safe, healthy and wonderful summer break!

Lost and Found: We have many articles of clothing that have not found their way back to their owners.  Please feel free to check the front bin in our lobby to reclaim any lost items.  All lost and found items will be donated at the end of the school year.

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, June 13 - 5th Grade Send Off, rain date June 14 

  • Monday, June 12th -  Early Release Day 1:25

  • Tuesday, June 13th -  Early Release Day 1:25

  • Wednesday, June 14 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL - Early Release 1:25