Calf Pen Cow

Thank you CPM PTA for Internet Safety Night & thank you SRO Banks and SRO Loschiavo for your partnership!

Join us at Milford Public Library 

Tuesday June 6th 6:00PM-7:30PM

Click here for details

SEL-ebrations June 22/23

Calf Pen Meadow PTA News

FIELD DAY – Wednesday, June 7 from 8:15-3:00

More volunteers are needed for the MOST FUN day of the year at Calf Pen Meadow. If you are able to take a half or full day off of work, please sign up to join us here:


Annie Families! Deadline for RSVP’s is Monday, 6/5 so we can get a headcount for food. And if you missed the email with the party details, reach out to Traci at

FIFTH GRADE SEND OFF – Tuesday, June 13

ALL FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE WELCOME TO COME TO THE “CLAP OUT” to cheer on the 5th grade class as they parade around the school at 9:00 am. We welcome the whole Calf Pen community so even if you don’t have a 5th grader, join us after drop off to cheer on our rising Middle Schoolers. 



Follow the PTA on social media! Facebook - Calf Pen Meadow PTA Instagram - @calfpenpta Or Email us with feedback and suggestions -

CPM’s Story Walk:

CPM loved our first StoryWalk! Pages from the book Where Olive Fits, by Cale Atkinson, were hung outdoors around the building. Classes followed a map with a walking route around the school to read the entire book. Afterward, each student created a puzzle piece of their own to hang in the hallway, showing how we all fit together at CPM. This was a fun way to boost a love of literacy while enjoying the great outdoors!

Lost and Found: We have many articles of clothing that have not found their way back to their owners.  Please feel free to check the front bin in our lobby to reclaim any lost items.  All lost and found items will be donated at the end of the school year.

Community Connections Center: This week's Community Connection Center's Newsletter (CCC News)  contains information about a new support group for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren, The United Way's Duck Race and Milford's Pirate Day. To see additional programs and events click on the link above.  Don't forget to visit  the  CCC website for updated links to community  resources. Have a great week!

Thank you to Nolan and the CPM community for helping make a very generous donation to the Purple Pantry! #cpmproud

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, June 6th - Parent University 6:00-7:30 pm at Milford Library. More info is here

  • Wednesday, June 7 - All School Field Day, rain date June 8 - more info. to follow

  • Tuesday, June 13 - 5th Grade Send Off, rain date June 14 - more info. to follow

  • Monday, June 12th -  Early Release Day 1:25

  • Tuesday, June 13th -  Early Release Day 1:25

  • Wednesday, June 14 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL - Early Release 1:25