Congratulations Trixie for her third place win in the
Milford City Wide Spelling Bee!! We are very proud of you!
Bravo to our Calf Pen Meadow Drama Club cast &
crew on their performance of Annie Jr. !!
Thank you PTA and drama families for donating items to our staff!
Parent Input: If you are interested in sharing any information for our CPM placement team for next year’s class placement for your student, please fill out the google form 2023-2024 CPM Parent Input for Class Placement
We are pleased to announce a new 'MPS Budget Central' page is now live! This page includes all of the information available connected to our 2023-24 Budget cycle. Click below to get started!
Help the Great Boat Race by donating plastic bottles! See link for details.
Volunteer Sign Up : SEL Day 2023
From the CPM Media Center: The Milford Public Library's young adult librarian Danielle Valenzano is visiting 5th grade media classes this month to talk about summer reading and events. MPL's summer reading program begins on June 19th. Rising 6th graders can sign up for the Young Adult mailing list to get reminders about event registration and more! Caregivers are also welcome to sign up.
Visit the Children's Department page to learn about events for rising K-5 students:
Community Connections Center: This week's Community Connection Center's Newsletter (CCC News) contains information for Milford Public Library's Sat. Music with Al deCant, US's Coast Guard Boat Safety classes, Mobile Food Pantry, and The 12th annual New Canaan Dog Days. Remember that the CCC website is updated with links to community resources. Have a wonderful week!
Incoming Calf Pen Kindergarten Families:
For our incoming Kindergarten families who are fully registered or currently in a MPS preschool program, be on the lookout for an email on our Kickoff to Kindergarten school visits in May. If your child is eligible for Kindergarten but you have not yet registered, please click the link to register and be included in this Kickoff to Kindergarten experience. |
*CPM’s Kick Off to Kindergarten dates are May 16 and May 24*
Marlene Sanchez to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award from Milford PTA Council. Milford Council of PTAs is proud and excited to announce MARLENE SANCHEZ will be the recipient of their National PTA Lifetime Achievement Award for 2023. Marlene is a PK teacher at Live Oaks -- but has served our youngest students across the district throughout her entire career. In addition to her vibrant work with MPS, Marlene has been deeply involved with a variety of special needs programming in Milford, including Camp Happiness and the Milford Adaptive Program (MAP) through the Milford Rec. Dept. Congratulations and thank you, Ms. Sanchez, for your tireless efforts to improve the Milford community.
Calf Pen Meadow PTA News
The rest of the school year is JAM-PACKED with fun events which will require the help of lots of our families. We have organized all of the volunteer signups together on one page so you can plan your spring. If you have the opportunity to take a few hours off of work, please consider helping with one of our in-school events. If you are unable to be there in person, there are some evening and weekend opportunities. And please think about donating food or supplies to our Staff Appreciation days.
Follow this link to more links to see what’s coming up and to sign up!
Each year the Calf Pen Meadow PTA sponsors a scholarship for a High School senior who attended our school. Congratulations to Foran High School student, Liam Young!
Check out the plans for our fabulous and fun week here:
Thank you to the incredibly generous folks who purchased items from our Amazon wish list and who have signed up to donate food items during the week. Please leave your donated items at the entrance of the school on the day in question (Monday – Breakfast, Tuesday – Salad Bar, Thursday - Nachos). Non-perishables can be dropped off in advance.
Shower your classroom teachers with love but don’t forget your specialists, paras, and support staff. If one of them has impacted your family, let them know!
The CPM PTA is sponsoring a Library Night at the Milford Public Library on Tuesday, May 9th from 4:00pm-7:30pm. This event is open to the CPM community and you can stop by anytime during the event (note: this is not a drop-off event). There will be a scavenger hunt, crafts, and more! If you submitted a library card application, your card can be picked up at the event.
CPM’S ART SHOW - May 19th (volunteers needed before the show to prepare)
Our docents and curators will need parent help on May 8-10 to mat the artwork and on May 16 & 18 to hang the pieces. They will also need some assistance the evening of the event, May 19th with bake sale, raffle, and hands-on art. Sign up here. Sign up to participate in our delicious bake sale here
*All Students will have pieces in the show! If you would like to send in additional pieces from home please do by Monday, May 15th.
SPRING PLANT SALE – May 11th-12th
Our students will be shopping for flowers and plants during the school day on May 11-12. Prices will be $1-$10
Sign up to help the students shop for flowers here
The CPM Mooove-a-thon will be held on Monday, May 22nd during school recess. To donate, here is the Mooove-a-thon fundraiser link : Note, you will have the option to search for participant (using your student’s first and last name). Also, if you would like to volunteer and help us cheer on the kids, you can sign up here:
The top selling classroom will get to slime Mr. Fischman!
MAY PTA MEETING - May 23rd at 6:30. Come be with us for the LAST MEETING OF THE YEAR! In person and virtual. Details and log in information to follow.
Important Dates:
May 9: CPM Night @ Milford Public Library
May 11 & 12: CPM Flower Sale
May 16 & 24 - Kindergarten Kick Off for incoming kindergarten families
May 17 - Early Release Day - Professional Learning - students dismiss at 1:25 pm
May 17 - 4th & 5th Grade Spring Concert 6:30 pm @ CPM
May 17 - Pop’s restaurant fundraiser
May 19 - CPM Art Show 5 - 7 pm
May 23 - May CPM PTA meeting @ 6:30 pm
May 25 - CPM STEM Night
June 7 - All School Field Day, rain date June 8 - more info. to follow
June 13 - 5th Grade Send Off, rain date June 14 - more info. to follow
Monday, June 12th - Early Release Day
Tuesday, June 13th - Early Release Day
Wednesday, June 14th - LAST DAY of SCHOOL: Early Release Day
Have a great weekend CPM!