Calf Pen Cow

Avery Lafferty

SCASA Award Recipient

After School activities have been great! 

#cartooning #math #gigglingpig #legos

We are excited to remind you that our Spring Picture Day is scheduled for Monday, May 1st  Order forms were sent home 4/26/23. Families can order school pictures online at Please note that the ID code for our school is still EVTVVS83Q

Parent Input:  If you are interested in sharing any information for our CPM placement team for next year’s class placement for your student, please fill out the google form 2023-2024 CPM Parent Input for Class Placement 

  • Help the Great Boat Race by donating plastic bottles! See link for details.

Incoming Calf Pen Kindergarten Families:

For our incoming Kindergarten families who are fully registered or currently in a MPS preschool program, be on the lookout for an email on our Kickoff to Kindergarten school visits in May.  If your child is eligible for Kindergarten but you have not yet registered, please click the link  to register and be included in this Kickoff to Kindergarten experience. 

*CPM’s Kick Off to Kindergarten dates are May 16 and May 24*

  • CPM Art Show - May 19th - Please see flier for more information

                     SEL Day Announcement 2023     

                      Volunteer Sign Up : SEL Day 2023 

SBA Testing: As shared earlier in a letter from our district Teaching and Learning office, our state assessment window is opening in May.  For our elementary students in grades three through five, the Math and English Language Arts SBAs (Smarter Balance Assessment) will take place during the weeks of May 1st and May 8th and the Science test will be administered during the week of May 18th. Students will not be testing every day and there are make-up days for those students who may need them due to missed days or more time. 


  • Please make sure students have charged their chromebooks every night.  This is very important as there are no extra chromebooks for students to use.

  • Students will need headphones.  If you have a pair at home that your student is comfortable using, please send them in each day or they can keep them at school.  If they do not, we will provide a pair for them.  

  • Make sure your student gets a good night's sleep and eats breakfast each morning so they are ready to do their best.

Thank you CPM PTA for our awesome playground benches!!!

Community Connections Center:  This week's Community Connection Center's Newsletter (CCC News)   contains information for Milford Beach Stickers, Avery's Walk to fight Brain Cancer and Golf fundraiser for Purple Pantry Boxes. Don't miss an invitation to the newly renovated Planetarium at Joseph Foran High School for  "An Evening under the Stars".  Remember that  the CCC website is updated with links to community resources. Have a wonderful week! 

Milford Family Resource Center: This week’s Family Resource Community News 

Calf Pen Meadow PTA News


The rest of the school year is JAM-PACKED with fun events which will require the help of lots of our families. We have organized all of the volunteer signups together on one page so you can plan your spring. If you have the opportunity to take a few hours off of work, please consider helping with one of our in-school events. If you are unable to be there in person, there are some evening and weekend opportunities. And please think about donating food or supplies to our Staff Appreciation days.Follow this link to more links to see what’s coming up and to sign up!


At long last, It is SHOWTIME!  Saturday, April 29th at 4:00 pm

GET YOUR TICKETS HERE! $12 per person.

STAFF MEMBERS GET A DISCOUNT! Limited tickets at the door.



Our Students will shop in person May 11th and 12th and families can preorder hanging baskets and herb trays (Deadline May 1st). Details and order info in this flyer: And sign up to volunteer here


Check out the details here:

How can you show the love?

1)  Send in a gift card in ANY denomination from ANY store or restaurant. Mrs. Whitaker will be having a weeklong raffle for all staff members

2)  Purchase something from our Amazon Wishlist for our Staff meals

3)  Contribute to our Staff lunches by signing up to bring in items

4)  Be on the lookout for emails from your Room Parents with ideas to celebrate your Classroom teacher

5)  Don’t forget your specialists, paras, and support staff. If one of them has impacted your family, let them know! 

CPM Library Night - The CPM PTA is sponsoring a Library Night at the Milford Public Library on Tuesday, May 9th from 4:00pm-7:30pm. This event is open to the CPM community and you can stop by anytime during the event. There will be a scavenger hunt, crafts, and more! If your child needs a library card, you can complete the application here and bring back to school by May 1st so your card can be picked up at the event. 

CPM Mooove-a-thon - Our spring fundraiser is back! The CPM Mooove-a-thon will be held on Monday, May 22nd during school recess. The Mooove-a-thon fundraiser website is now live: Note, you will have the option to search for participant (using your student’s first and last name). Also, if you would like to volunteer and help us cheer on the kids, you can sign up here: We can’t wait to get moooving!

MAY PTA MEETING - May 23rd at 6:30. In person and virtual. Details and log in information to follow. Come be with us for the LAST MEETING OF THE YEAR!

 Follow the PTA on social media!

Facebook - Calf Pen Meadow PTA Instagram - @calfpenpta Or Email us with feedback and suggestions - 

Important Dates:

April 29- CPM Drama club presents Annie Jr.

May 1 - Spring School Picture Day

May 16 & 24 - Kindergarten Kick Off for incoming kindergarten families

May 17 -  Early Release Day - Professional Learning - students dismiss at 1:25 pm

May 17 - 4th Grade Spring Concert 6:30 pm @ CPM

May 17 - Pop’s restaurant fundraiser

May 19 - CPM Art Show 5 - 7 pm

May 23 - May CPM PTA meeting @ 6:30 pm

May 25 - CPM STEM Night

June 7 - All School Field Day, rain date June 8 - more info. to follow

June 13 - 5th Grade Send Off, rain date June 14 - more info. to follow

  • Monday, June 12th -  Early Release Day

  • Tuesday, June 13th -  Early Release Day

Wednesday, June 14th - LAST DAY of SCHOOL:  Early Release Day