Calf Pen Meadow families:
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for conferences this week! We love having our families in to talk about our amazing students!
Book Fair fun!!
We are pleased to announce a new 'MPS Budget Central' page is now live! This page includes all of the information available connected to our 2023-24 Budget cycle. Click below to get started!
Community Connections Center: This week's Community Connection Center's Newsletter has information for UCONN's People Empowering People's (PEP) "Toasty Toes Sock Drive," ending March 31, 2023, as well as “MILFORD HELPING HANDS'' (MHH), a second group of PEP parents. MHH invites you to join them during April for a "Spring Trash Pick Up!" There are links for a Consumer Reports article about dangerous ingredients found in common foods, CT's SNAP program, End Hunger CT. Under Fun Family Activities, Macaroni Kids, a free letter from the Easter bunny, and Apple Barrel Farm Market's April 8th event, "Bunnies & Paws.” Remember that the CCC website is updated with links to community resources. Have a great week!
Thank you to our amazing CPM PTA for a delicious breakfast for the morning after our night conferences!!! #bestptaever
Calf Pen Meadow’s Career Day will be on Wednesday, April 19th. We are excited to have our parents/family members share their careers with our students! Click HERE for details and a link to sign up to be a presenter!
Mark Your Calendars! CPM School Art Show - It’s back and returning this spring! Mark your calendars. It will be on Friday, May 19th from 5 - 7 pm. Stay tuned for more details!
Calf Pen Meadow PTA News
After School Programs are BACK! - We have a fantastic selection of offerings for the Spring. Links went live this morning and registration will be on a first come/first served basis. Click here for program descriptions and information.
Annie Jr. TICKETS and PROGRAM ADS - Calf Pen Meadow Drama Club is proud to present Annie Jr. on Saturday April 29th at 4:00 pm. at the Foran Auditorium. GET YOUR TICKETS HERE! $12 per person.
Promote your business or show your support for our Drama Club! Please take out an Ad in our Program. Pricing starts at $15! Deadline is April 10th. Check out the flyer here with details and instructions.
The CPM PTA is so excited to welcome Award-winning children’s book author, David Ezra Stein to our school on April 21st. Please pre-order any of his books (or bring in your own if you have them) for signing. Deadline for preorders is APRIL 7TH!
Info -
Paperback Books are $10 -
Hardcover Books are $18 -
In order to fund our cultural and literacy events, we have started a fundraising campaign. If you are able to donate, please consider doing so. Any amount makes a difference! Link to donate here
CPM Moooooove-a-thon Get ready for the return of our Spring FUN-draiser this May where we get our Student Body (and students’ bodies) moving to benefit the CPM PTA. Details coming soon!
APRIL PTA MEETING - April 19th at 6:30. In person and virtual. Details and log in information to follow.
Follow the PTA on social media! Facebook - Calf Pen Meadow PTA Instagram - @calfpenpta Or Email us with feedback and suggestions -
April 7 - 16 - No School - Spring Recess
April 19- CPM Career Day
April 21 - CPM School Store, 2- 3:15 pm
April 29- CPM Drama club presents Annie Jr.
May 1 - Spring School Picture Day
June 7 - All School Field Day, rain date June 8
June 13 - 5th Grade Send Off, rain date June 14