FixedCCC logo

Milford Public Schools Community Connections Centers build bridges between families and available community services.

Serving all Milford elementary students and their families.

Parents- If you could use support and guidance in any area of your life, such as finances, housing, utilities, legal, mental health, substance use, parenting, etc...,  please contact Mrs. Mary-Kate Williams at (203) 882- 6094 or Mrs. Cara Dascenzo at (203) 301-5664 for information about several resources. We will be happy to help you! In person appointments are available. 

The CCC honors all family inquiries as private and confidential unless parent permission is given or Connecticut mandated reporting.

CCC Programs -Starting September 27, 2023

The Circle of Security Parenting Class  (COSP) 

COSP is a parenting program designed to support and strengthen a secure parent-child relationship.  

Parents develop the skills that help them to:

  • Understand their child’s emotional world by learning to read emotional needs

  • Support their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions

  • Enhance the development of their child's self esteem

  • Honor the innate wisdom and desire for their child to be secure

To register for the COSP  click  here.  If you have any questions please Call  203-882-6094 or  203-301-5664. Or email either of us at : or

Community Providers Programs

Milford Park & Recreation Dept.

Below is an updated link for for Milford Food Assistance:

Milford Food Assistance Resource Guide

Fun Places to go with your family


ConnTours is an app developed by Connecticut Humanities ( that serves as your mobile-friendly tour guide to historic and cultural sites throughout Connecticut. The content presented in ConnTours only provides an introduction to the complex stories that inspired each one and we hope will encourage you to learn more while fostering a greater appreciation for the variety of historically important and thought-provoking places Connecticut has to offer. Work on ConnTours is ongoing so be sure to check back regularly for new tours or the addition of new sites to existing tours.

Durham Fair

Come visit the Durham Fair, and you’ll see what a real fair is all about—with live entertainment on four stages, thrilling motorized events, rides and games on the Midway, and first-class animal competitions.

For additional resources click on the Menu of the CCC webpage or contact one of our CCC Coordinators.