Milford Public Schools   5-26-23

Community Connection News 

CCC Website 

Milford Public Schools Community Connection Centers are a bridge between families and available community services

Serving all Milford elementary students and their families.

Happy Memorial Day!

Parents- If you could use support and guidance in any area of your life, such as finances, housing, utilities, legal, mental health, substance use, parenting, etc... Please contact Mrs. Mary-Kate Williams at (203)-882-6094 or Mrs. Cara Dascenzo at (203) 301-5664 for information about several resources. They would be happy to help you!  

The CCC honors all family inquiries as private and confidential unless parent permission is given or Connecticut mandated reporting applies.

Special Camp Issue!


YMCA summer Camp

Boys & Girls Club Summer Camp

To Register Boys & Girls  Summer Camp

Milford Park & Rec. Summer Camps

Milford Park & Recreation-   list of all programs

Community Providers

The Milford United Way brings back the Milford Harbor Duck Race again for 2023! We hope you'll adopt a duck, share this site with a friend, and show up to watch your ducks race on June 3, 2023.

United Way Duck Race

Race Day Schedule

Sunday June 11, 2023

Welcome to the first annual Milford Rotary Run in the Park 5K! Enjoy a beautiful run/walk/hike in the park and support the Milford Rotary.

The Milford Rotary raises money for the local community, people in need, and college scholarships.

The course is designed for High School Cross Country and is for all abilities of runners and walkers. Flat, with some rolling hills, & scenic that start and finish in Eisenhower Park. You can run fast, or slow or walk, comfortably, at any pace. Enjoy! 

T-Shirts are guaranteed but not limited to the first 100 adults.

$25 in advance (till 6/10), $30 day of race

$10 for ages 10-13 = No T-Shirt 

9 and Under - FREE 

Food, Music, and Awards following the race!

Register Here

Ct Foodshare Mobile Pantry Schedule     May 9th,  11am -12pm - Kingdom Life Christian Church Cathedral, Milford, CT.

City of Milford Food Resource Guide

Click above for other Milford food resources. 

Fun family activities

An Evening Under the Stars

Top Connecticut Playgrounds That Families Will Love Mommy Poppins  The top Connecticut playgrounds provide outdoor fun!

Find Things to do in Ct. Select calendar, directory, or articles to find different results!

Have a Great Week!