Mathewson News

Mathewson Elementary School

PAWprint                             September 16, 2022

Hello Bulldog Families!

We had  a PAWmazing full week here at Mathewson! Thanks to the families that attended our Virtual PTA Meeting on Tuesday and Open House on Thursday.  It was so good to start engaging with our families again. We look forward to seeing you more as we start building our social calendars, thanks to the collaboration  of our PTA. Don’t forget next Wednesday is an early dismissal day (@ 1:25 pm) for professional learning and next Friday is our first spirit day!

Below is some important information for you to know (some new, some old, but all important... Woof!):

  • Water Bottles: Please be sure your child brings a water bottle daily. Classrooms are still a bit stuffy and hot. We do have refillable stations throughout the school. 


  • Sneakers Please!  To make sure your child is ready for PE and recess daily it is a good idea to wear sneakers.  This helps ensure their safety best as they play.


  • Mathewson’s First Spirit Day:  We hope you will join in the fun of spirit days this year.  Students and staff will get the opportunity to participate in a number of days where we can wear different items just for fun.  If you don’t  have that particular item, no worries!  Our first spirit day is Friday September 23rd.  We will be wearing GOLD!!! Feel free to do it up in a pawmazing color since we are so PAWmazing.  Also this gold helps to show support for an important cause: Pediatric Cancer Awareness. We hope you might want to participate and shine bright!



  • Our first fundraiser of the year is coming soon. See information below!


Fall Conferences: We are pleased to announce our Fall 2022 Elementary Conference Schedule: 

  • Wednesday, October 19th 1:45-3:45 p.m.

  • Thursday, October 20th 5:30-8:00 p.m.

  • Friday, October 21st 1:45-3:45 p.m.

*Please note that we will have a modified early dismissal time on the conference days to accommodate the conference schedule.  Therefore, students will be dismissed on October 19th, 20th, and October 21st at 1:15pm. 

Parents/guardians will once again have the opportunity to select a conference time through My Conference Time.   All conferences will be in person unless a  parent/guardian requests a Google Meet link directly from the teacher.  Fall conference sign up  information will be  live on our school website from  Friday, October 7th, at 9:00 a.m. through Monday, October 17th, at 12:00 p.m.  If you prefer a  virtual session, please contact the teacher to request a Google Meet link to conduct your conference virtually after you have confirmed your conference time through My Conference Time Online Scheduler.   We are looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s learning! 

Quick tip: Look for emails from “” when searching email for conference confirmation communication.


Mathewson PTA Information


  • PTA Link Hub website. It is linked HERE to learn about how to join, volunteer opportunities, events schedule and our Mum Sale! If you access the image above on the Mathewson website instead you can click on the actual links to find out more about the categories.


  • Our Mum Sale Fundraiser is coming! Pick up Times will be during the school day on 10/27. See our Flier here.  To place an actual order you will need to use this Mum Sale Ordering Link


Let’s have a PAWmazing year!

Melissa Currier

Melissa Currier, Principal


Important Dates, WOOF!

  • Wednesday, September 21st: Early Dismissal for PL. Dismissal at 1:25 pm!

  • Friday, September 23rd: Mathewson GO GOLD Spirit Day!

  • Monday, September 26th: No School--Rosh Hashanah 

  • Wednesday, October 5th: No School--Yom Kippur


 @ BePAWsitiveMPS

Thanks for your support in making 

Mathewson a  place to  LEARN--BE KIND--BE PAWSITIVE