Mathewson News

Mathewson Elementary School

PAWprint                             May 13, 2022

Hello Bulldog Families!

What a beautiful week we had…About time! This week we completed our last PLANNED fire drill of the year, had a number of field trips take place, did great with our testing  and continued our planning for more fun things to come!

We hope you had a pawsitive week too. Next week we plan to conduct our last PLANNED  crisis (lockdown) drill of the week. 

Please join us in wishing the following staff good luck on their retirement at the end of this year: Mrs. Cyr/ Social Worker, Mrs. Munroe/Grade 3, and Mrs. Abe/Para.  We are so thankful for all they have done for our Mathewson families. 

Congratulations are in order…

We want to recognize our Respect Stars from each classroom!

Grade K:   Lorik M., Grace P. and Hayden D.

Grade 1: Samuel V., Corderol W., and Joshua C. 

Grade 2: Jonathan V., Atharva P., and Vivaan D.

Grade 3: Riley A., Sheyra G., and Charlotte T.

Grade 4: Chloe C., Ava C., and Sophia K

Grade 5: Isha B., Mya C., Sophia K., and Kingsley C. 

Looking for some Mathewson Apparel?   Use this link to see what you can order!

Attention Grade 5 Families: On April 25 a letter was sent to each Grade 5 family listing the district assigned Middle School for the 22-23 school year along with information on the  May 19, 2022 middle school visit day. Please contact the main office if you have any questions. As always, thank you for your continued support. We value your involvement, partnership, and support in your child’s education! 

Middle School Virtual Transition Night - Thursday, May 26th from 6:30 to 7:15. 

  • Harborside Middle School Information is here

  • East Shore Middle School Information is here

  • West Shore Middle School Information is here.

Stay healthy, PAWsitive and Be Kind!

Melissa Currier

Melissa Currier, Principal


Important Dates, WOOF!

  • Please click here for the revised Academic Calendar for 2021-22.

  • May 17th--Kick off to Kindergarten Day 2--new registrations visit 

  • May 18th--Early Release Wednesday --students out at 1:25 pm

  • May 19th--5th Grade Transition Visit to Middle Schools --Students only 9:30-10:30am

  • May 19th --PTA Sponsored Spring Dance. See flier here

  • Poppy Planting will happen the week before Memorial Day! We will keep you posted on the days so you can be sure to visit our Poppy Field

  • Week of June 13th - MPS Math Sidewalk Chalk Challenge. More info is here

  • Tuesday, June 14th -  Kick off to Summer - 5:30-7:30 at Pumpkin Delight School. More info is here

Looking Ahead---Save the Date we are currently working on 

  • Field Day --Thursday June 9th with a Rain Date of Friday June 10th. 

More information will come as we get closer. Families are welcome to come to the grade specific time their children are outside. This will be on the flier we will get out in the coming weeks. 

  • 5th Grade Celebration/Farewell  (½ day)

This event is for students only, it will be on Wednesday June 15th,  Rain date of Thursday June 16th

We will be getting out information about a Clap-Out which parents can attend on the afternoon of either the 15th or 16th. More details to follow. 


Older News…. But Still Important!

Safety Reminders for Pick Up and Drop Off!

As the weather is getting nicer we just want to take a moment to remind you of some important safety guidelines to help with pick up and drop off. We thank you for your support of these in advance!

  • Please be sure to have your student cross in front of your car whenever possible during am drop off.

  • Please pull up as far as possible in the am to allow for all bulldog families access to our drive through loop.

  • In the afternoon we know parking can be tight, please be sure to observe city wide signage and not park on Private Roadways. (Please do not turn down or make U-turns in private roadways.) We will continue to do our best to clear cars off West River Street as quickly and safely as possible. 

  • Families that are walking to pick up your child, please be sure to walk over to our grass area in the front where staff will call for your child once they see you. 

  • Help build good habits for the years to come--as often as possible we like the children to enter and exit the car on their own. Of course, staff and families can help if there are projects or instruments, but we hope that each year you use this opportunity to have your child become more independent with entering and exiting school.


Thanks for all your support. We look forward to our continued work together!. 


Attendance Reminders!! We know that with the pandemic we have had some rise in attendance outages for our students.  We just wanted to take a moment to just reshare the MPS district attendance policy. Please know at any time if you feel what is reported does not match your records, we have people that can help you resolve any worries you may have.  It takes a village to make sure it is all right and while technology is great it may not always be reporting what is right :)  

  • Mrs. Wetmore, our Library Media Specialist, has created a new Media Center webpage. On it, you will find links to many of the students' favorite websites for coding, virtual field trips, book awards, and more! You can also check it out periodically for book recommendations for K-2, 3-5, and even adults. Enjoy and don't hesitate to reach out to her with any questions!


  • Staff Dress Down Days- Staff donates money yearly in order to “dress down” on Fridays throughout the year. The money goes to help support families, staff and community causes where we want to express care.  Sometimes we add an extra day or two if we want to earn a little more to donate. So if you see us in our jeans you know it is to support a great cause!  GO BULLDOGS!



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 @ BePAWsitiveMPS

We appreciate your support and assistance in making 

Mathewson a great place to  LIVE--LEARN--BE PAWSITIVE