Mathewson News

Mathewson Elementary School

PAWprint                                January 7, 2022

 Happy New Year Bulldog Families!

We hope you had a wonderful and restful break with family and friends. It has been quite the week back from a week off. Between weather and new safety/covid guidelines we sure had a lot going on.  Most importantly though is that whether virtually or in-person we were happy to see your children back. It just feels better together. Please read some important information from our district and school level below.  

  • Masks - Students will be sent home with three disposable 3 ply masks by the end of the day on Monday. We have not acquired viable child size N95 masks. Using the 3-ply mask is optional (wearing a mask is still state-mandated in all Connecticut public schools).  


  • COVID Vaccine upload - Parents may voluntarily provide a copy of their child’s COVID immunization card now by uploading it using our secure form here. This information will only be accessible by school nurses and school administration.


  • Please check out our Holiday Recipes from many families at Mathewson. Our PTA put this together and unfortunately it did not send correctly before the holiday :(  We hope you will still adventure and enjoy some new yummy recipes to make in the new year!


  • Congrats to our Penny War winners! Thank you to ALL for donating. It was fun to watch everyone getting so excited and supportive of a good cause


Stay healthy, PAWsitive and Be Kind!

Melissa Currier

Melissa Currier, Principal


Important Dates, WOOF!

  • Monday. January 17th: No School MLK Day

  • Tuesday, January 18th: Barb Golub, a consultant for literacy, will be in to work with students and staff in grades K-2

  • Wednesday, January 26th: Early Dismissal for Teacher Professional Learning. Students dismissed at 1:25 pm. 

  • Friday, January 28th: Mathewson Summer Dreaming Spirit Day 


Older News…. But Still Important!

In case you missed our district communication this week be sure to check out these links:

Snow days Communication                                       Screen and Stay Update Communication

Staff Dress Down Days- Staff donates money yearly in order to “dress down” on Fridays throughout the year. The money goes to help support families, staff and community causes where we want to express care.  Sometimes we add an extra day or two if we want to earn a little more to donate. So if you see us in our jeans you know it is to support a great cause!  GO BULLDOGS!

Bus Seating:  To further our safety efforts for our learners, our elementary schools, in collaboration with Durham Bus Company are  developing a bus seating chart with assigned seats.  The goal for each bus-riding student is to minimize the number of students quarantined should an individual on the bus test positive. Over the course of the next week or so, students will be assigned their seats. Buses will have stickers with row numbers above the window to assist in students locating the proper seat.  You can help by: 

  • Reminding your child to sit in their assigned seat at all times. Having your child stay in their assigned seat will help support their safety and the safety of others to stay healthy while on the bus.   

  • Having students  wear their masks for the entire ride.

These protocols are necessary to mitigate exposure and spread of the COVID virus.  Thank you for your cooperation and partnership in this important matter.  

Attendance :If your child is absent from learning, you must log in and report the absence that day through the PowerSchool Parent Portal



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 @ BePAWsitiveMPS

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