By filling out this Google form you are applying for multiple scholarships and awards that are offered to Foran High School Seniors.


Aquinas Consulting - Dare to Soar Scholarship - senior involved in Key Club, Keyettes or Scouting

Bob and Anne Shields Memorial Scholarship - a $1000 scholarship to a Foran student-athlete who best exemplifies character, integrity, a spirit of teamwork and a sense of fair play

Britton John Broatch Memorial Scholarship - student who is attending a college or university in Connecticut, participated in a high school sport and has a good academic record is eligible to apply for the scholarship

Danni Kemp Memorial Scholarship - any senior student-athlete at Foran High School is welcome to apply

Edna L. Fraser Scholarship - a female athlete at Foran who has excelled in Softball, Volleyball or Basketball, and who has maintained a 2.5 GPA

Foran Sports Booster Club Scholarship - three (3) senior athletes will each be awarded $500 scholarships (family MUST be a current member of the Booster Club to be eligible)

James Radley Mattioli Memorial Scholarship - $1500 each in memory of our son, James, who died at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012

1st Scholarship:  To a high school senior, and Milford resident of high moral character,  who will be attending a 2 or 4 year accredited college/university, has demonstrated financial need and intends to pursue a Math or Math-related degree such as a Math major, or a degree in Math education, Architecture or Engineering.

2nd Scholarship:  To a high school senior, and Milford resident of high moral character, who will be attending a 2 or 4 year accredited college/university, has demonstrated financial need, and has worked as a lifeguard and/or intends to pursue a degree in Fire Science, Public Safety or Criminal Justice.

Kenneth Walker Memorial Scholarship - $1000 awarded to a senior who participated all 4 years in high school athletics (does not need to be the same sport), and who plans to attend college in the fall

Lyle James Memorial Scholarship - a student who is a true friend, empathetic to others, is in good academic standing and possesses a solid work ethic. Also the student has to be committed to full-time attendance at an institute of higher learning

Michael Miller Memorial Scholarship - student who participates in a high school sport and is in good academic standing.

Milford Food 2 Kids Thrive Scholarship - $1000 scholarship to any senior who is planning on majoring in a "Helping Career" such as Social Work, Special Education, Teaching, Nursing, etc.  This scholarship will also be based on community service and financial need (SAI is $10,000 or less)

Milford Food 2 Kids Susan Shields Community Care Scholarship - $1000 scholarship to any senior who is planning on majoring in a "Helping Career" such as Social Work, Special Education, Teaching, Nursing, etc.  This scholarship will also be based on community service and financial need (SAI is $10,000 or less)

Milford High School Jim Rose Memorial Scholarship - seniors at Foran High School for the purpose of higher education

Milford Vascular Institute Scholarship - a merit-based scholarship will be granted to one senior student for $3000 and 2 - $1000 runner-ups who best outlines a detailed plan on how the scholarship money would enhance their education and future professional goals.

Prepared 2 Help - Nick Felisko Scholarship - senior that have participated in youth recreational or high school basketball, involved in community service and plans to attend an accredited university, college or technical school for higher education.

Milford Chamber of Commerce

Return completed applications to Mrs. Collins in the School Counseling office by March 24, 2025.

Rotary Club of Milford

Return completed applications to Mrs. Collins in the School Counseling office by April 28, 2025.

Alan Jepson Scholarship and Merit/Need Scholarship - $1,000-$3,000

Local Scholarships:

NH County Tax Collectors' Assoc. Scholarship-essay-deadline March 14

Yale NH Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship-academic excellence-deadline March 14

Ride-4-Justin-firefighter/family of firefighter-deadline March 15

SCASA Memorial Scholarship-education major-deadline March 17

Mendillo Family Scholarship-Milford Little League-deadline March 30

Amity Charitable Trust Scholarship-academic requirement (see application)-deadline March 31

Bridges Healthcare-human service/mental health career-deadline March 31

Glenn Moon Scholarship-teaching career-deadline March 31

Claire C. Bennitt Watershed Scholarship-environmental science major-deadline April 1

Joe Moran Memorial Scholarship-essay/academic-deadline April 1

Patrick J Dyer 1916 Scholarship-essay/academic-deadline April 1

Vicki Soto Memorial Scholarship-education major-deadline April 1

Workers' Memorial Day Scholarship-essay-deadline April 1

Joe Lieberman CT Scholarship-academic/community service-deadline April 2

Unico National Scholarship-Italian descent-deadline April 4

Dennis Malone Scholarship-park management/forestry major-deadline April 15

Junior Woman's Club of Milford-community service-deadline April 15 (must attend ceremony June 5)

Milford Columbus Committee Memorial Scholarship-Italian ancestry-deadline April 15

Milford Road Runners Scholarship-involved in running-deadline April 15

Dare Greatly Scholarship-essay/video-deadline May 1

Orthopaedic Specialty Group Scholarship-healthcare related major-deadline May 1

Milton Fisher Scholarship-innovative/artistic-deadline May 15

Milford Little League Scholarship-Milford Little League graduate-deadline May 31

American Italian Women Scholarship-Italian descent-deadline June 1

Charles F. Boyle Scholarship-Milford Pop Warner-deadline June 1

Scholarships for High School Juniors:

QuestBridge College Prep Scholars Program-merit/financial need-deadline March 20



High School Seniors:

Remember, National Scholarship Applications

Have Rolling Deadlines So Apply Early!


*Please note:

All scholarships listed have a link so you can visit the website and complete the requirements necessary to apply. Also,

  • Be sure to apply before the deadline, especially if it is a paper application that needs to be mailed.

  • If a scholarship has a paper application, this must be emailed or handed to Mrs. Collins one week prior to the deadline date.

  • Each application needs to be reviewed to make sure that all the required documentation is contained in the packet.

  • If the application is missing any information and/or documents the student will be informed via email.

  • Any questions email Mrs. Collins

Transcript Request Form

If a scholarship requires a letter(s) of recommendation, the student will need to contact their teacher to request to share the document with them.

If a scholarship requires SAT scores, it is the student's responsibility to download them from to attach to the application.

Please visit the individual websites for the most up-to-date information on the various scholarships, complete eligibility requirements and deadlines.